Coaching Services

Living Paycheck to Paycheck Just Isn’t Cutting It Anymore

For years you’ve gotten by making sure your bills are paid, but getting to the end of the month with barely enough to get by. You have student loans that seemed like a good idea at the time, but every time you think about all the thousands of dollars you owe, you start to panic.

You worry that at any point you can have an emergency that will come with a huge bill and the little you have in your savings account won’t be enough.

You tried using every finance, budgeting, and savings app out there.

But nothing made a difference.

You’re still in the same spot – feeling broke, stressed, and exhausted.

Whether you feel like there’s no way you’ll ever get over your mountain of debt or that it will take you YEARS to make a dent, we know exactly how you feel.

We’ve been there.

That’s why we designed our services to help people like you – people who’ve work hard for everything they have but don’t get to enjoy it. We want to make it so that every dollar that you make isn’t being wasted on your past, but is moving you toward an abundant future.

Wallet Coach Is Your Personal Guide To Getting Your Finances In Check.

As your Personal Finance Coaches, we’ll be your trusted teacher and accountability partner.

After working with us, you’ll have…

  • Clear financial goals that align with your hopes and dreams.
  • A budget that finally makes you feel in control so you know where every dollar is going.
  • A personalized strategy for becoming debt free without making your life miserable. You’ll get crystal clear on:
    • how much money you have
    • the amount you can put toward debt each month
    • how long it will take to pay off that debt
  • A growing savings account that will give you that missing sense of security and independence, knowing that you’ll be covered when stuff hits the fan.
  • Financial confidence to make money decisions from a place of power instead of fear.

We’ll help you by using our D.D.P. approach: 

  • Discover where you are financially (not just where you think you are)
  • Determine where you want to go, and
  • Plan to get there

Here Are Your Options:

Option A: Financial Inquiry 

In-depth 1:1 call to personally answer your biggest question about saving, budgeting or debt.

You’ll also get:

  • Guidance on your next steps
  • Detailed call notes
  • One follow-up email

Investment: $175 per call

Option B: Financial Freedom Journey  

We will take a deep dive into your financial situation and personalize a plan of action for you. The journey will be six (6) bi-weekly meet-ups (in-person or virtual) lasting one-hour each.

You’ll walk away with:

  • A Personalized Plan
  • Financial Tools: Budget, Savings and Debt spreadsheets
  • Detailed notes with resources and tips after each meet-up
  • Unlimited follow-up text and email between meet-ups

Investment: $897 (or $150 per session)

Option C: Group Coaching

Group Workshops:  We provide interactive and engaging workshops that will educate and motivate your group to achieve financial success. Our workshops span four (4) consecutive weeks and cover budgeting, saving and debt. Each workshop lasts an hour: 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes of questions and answers. 

Investment: *Book A Discovery Call For Group Prices*

Group Seminar: Our seminar is a one-time live event where we discuss a high-level money management topic of your choice (budgeting, saving or debt) or an overview of all three. The seminar lasts an hour: 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes of questions and answers.

Investment: *Book A Discovery Call For Group Prices*

Ready To Get Started?

What Happens On The Call

During the call, we’ll get to know each other to see if we’re a good fit. You’ll discover which service is best for you and be one step closer toward achieving your financial goals.

After The Call

If we do agree to work together, you’ll choose one of the individual or group services above. We’ll then work through a 3-step process to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 1 – Collaborate: We’ll get together to understand, define and write down your hopes and desires. We’ll get to know exact amounts (no guessing) in order to prepare for Step 2. 

Step 2 -Strategize: We ‘ll personalize a plan for you based on your figures. The plan will be realistic so that it’s actually achievable based on your commitment level. 

Step 3 – Execute: We’ll help you execute the plan so you see results.  We know life happens, so we’ll be there to help you when those changes occur (because they will).

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It’s Time To Gain Control Of Your Money